breached the data on all the customers of in-house internet services

Organization Beeline
Location 🇷🇺 Russia
Active From
Active Until 11/01/2017
Potential Victims >8,700,000

Passports, home, and mobile phone numbers, names, addresses.

The most fascinating part of these stories is that we read this article back in 2019, but the breach had happened in 2017! Should we tell the clients? Hell no, being transparent is for losers! We have a privacy policy that forbids our clients from anything and allows us everything.

Make a note to tell the PR people to say that all the people involved in this breach were punished and the whole problem is way exaggerated.

This is a corporate breach

Corporations are required to disclose information about data breaches, but the list of disclosed data is very limited. The database storing email addresses is likely the same one containing all other data. In this case, it's possible that much more information was leaked than reported.